A new BRCA1 locus product called BRCA1-IRIS has been identified recently. High-risk breast/ovarian families have not been screened for germ-line mutations at the specific BRCA1-IRIS coding sequence, as it was considered merely as part of BRCA1 intron 11. Here we report the first comprehensive screening of germ-line mutations in a cohort of 116 index cases from high-risk breast/ovarian families in which no germ-line mutation was identified in BRCA1 or BRCA2. We did not find germ-line mutations at the specific BRCA1-IRIS coding sequence in any sample. The only heterozygous patter identified by DGGE was caused by a C to A substitution in the non-coding 3' sequence, 123 bases downstream of the BRCA1-IRIS stop codon (IVS11+268C/A). The data indicates that it is probably a neutral change not associated with cancer risk. Our analysis suggests that the role of germ-line mutations at the specific BRCA1-IRIS sequence in breast cancer susceptibility, if any, is marginal and do not explain a significant fraction of high-risk breast/ovarian families, at least in the population analyzed.