Local recurrence is the determinant of tumor-related mortality in retroperitoneal sarcomas because death often occurs as a result of local progression mostly without synchronous metastasis. Complete resection of the lesion and surgical margins status are the only therapeutic factors significantly associated with local control. Further outcome improvements need multimodal therapy since prognosis of these recurrences is poor with lower rates of complete resection and higher grade of malignancy than primary. Complete resection of the recurrence often requires removal of adjacent organs to achieve negative margins. External beam radiotherapy (EBRT), eventually associated with a boost of intra-operative electron beam radiotherapy (IORT) could improve the outcome in these patients. Preoperative timing could limit its toxicity. Chemotherapy protocols may enhance local and systemic outcome and can reduce the volume of high grade tumors and therefore allow a higher rate of complete resection. Isolated pelvic perfusion with local high doses chemotherapy is under investigation. Surgical excision of lung metastases should remain the treatment of choice, if preoperative evaluation indicates that complete clearance of the metastases is possible. Intra-operative chemotherapy after cyto-reductive surgery for the treatment of sarcomatosis is disappointing and complete surgery remains the cornerstone of the treatment with best results for low grade sarcomatosis. Adequate management at the time of primary presentation is likely to afford the best chance for long-term survival.