Objectives: We report on a prenatal diagnosis of DMD complicated by a 45,X karyotype that was revealed only in the chorionic villus long-term culture.
Methods: Cytogenetic investigations were performed on both short-term (STC) and long-term cultures (LTC) of the chorionic villus sample. Familial segregation was performed using a panel of intragenic polymorphic markers, and multiplex PCR was used to characterize exonic deletion.
Results: Investigations performed for sex determination after STC of the chorionic villus sample showed a normal karyotype 46,XX, while the karyotype performed after LTC revealed a homogeneous monosomy X. Cytogenetic analysis performed on amniotic fluid cells showed 45,X/46,XX mosaicism. Familial segregation analysis for DMD showed loss of heterozygosity for the STR49 marker in the DNA of the proband, her mother and the foetus. Dystrophin gene analysis on the 45,X cells led to the identification of a deletion of exon 50.
Conclusions: The report described a rare situation of monosomy X associated with a DMD genotype. The data confirmed the DMD carrier status of the proband and her mother and indicated that the foetus had a high risk to combine a Turner phenotype and DMD. This study illustrated the potential risk of using short-term culture of villi as the only source of biological material for prenatal diagnosis.
Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.