Epidemiological studies have repeatedly shown that cannabis is the most commonly used illegal drug in the United States. Furthermore, individuals with cannabis dependence have high rates of comorbid substance use disorders and depression. A significant proportion of individuals with addictive disorders develop withdrawal symptoms, cannot control their drug use despite substantial adverse psychosocial consequences, and frequently have a coexisting psychiatric disorder. Nevertheless, only a minority of persons with cannabis dependence ever seek treatment. We were unable to locate epidemiological reports regarding treatment seeking behavior among persons with cannabis dependence. Epidemiological studies of populations with substance disorders have observed that employment, higher educational level, previous use of treatment, major depression, and a co-occurring substance dependency increased the probability of seeking treatment for alcohol dependence. Thus we hypothesized that the same variables would predict service use among persons with cannabis dependence. The main findings of this study were that persons with cannabis dependence were more likely to contact a professional during the past year if they previously sought treatment and had alcohol dependence with major depression. Prospective, longitudinal studies of adolescents would increase our understanding of the processes by which individuals identify themselves as having problems related to their habitual use of marijuana, and why some seek help while others do not.