Inter-comparison of multimedia modeling approaches: modes of transport, measures of long range transport potential and the spatial remote state

Sci Total Environ. 2004 Apr 5;321(1-3):1-20. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2003.09.008.


Several evaluative multi-media models have been developed during the recent years to determine the long-range transport potential, LRTP, of non-polar organic chemicals. Here, these models are categorized and compared with respect to the modes of transport and the measures used to compute LRTP. Differences concerning the mode of transport include the transport mechanism (advective vs. dispersive transport) and the number and coupling of transport media (transport in a single moving medium vs. coupled transport in air and water). Measures used include the characteristic travel distance and the spatial range. The spatial remote state is defined as a benchmark for the comparison of the different measures. This is the state of the model system far-off the source that is independent of the release pattern. With the expected value in the spatial remote state as a benchmark, the maximum of the spatial ranges in air and water and the maximum of the characteristic travel distances in air and water as well as the spatial range in air in combination with release into water prove to be reliable measures of the LRTP. The framework developed allows one to overview the features of the different models used in the ranking and assessment of chemicals.

Publication types

  • Comparative Study

MeSH terms

  • Air Movements
  • Environment*
  • Environmental Monitoring / methods
  • Models, Chemical*
  • Organic Chemicals / analysis*
  • Water Movements


  • Organic Chemicals