The authors present a new and efficient treatment for reconstruction of bilateral defective thumbs by different configured toe-tissues transplantations in a single stage, including bilateral second-toe transfer in 2 cases, bilateral hallux wrap-around flap transfer in 1 case, bilateral modified hallux wrap-around flap transfer in 1 case, and combined second toe with island flap with neurovascular pedicles from the proximal and dorsal aspect of the index finger transfer in 1 case. In total, eight transferred tissues survived uneventfully after circulation monitor and medicine administration according to the rules of microsurgery, and in two other transferred toe tissues, temporary circulation crises occurred. Over a 1-year follow-up, the satisfactory appearance and excellent function of the reconstructed bilateral thumbs were noted. For ensuring the success of the procedure, the authors emphasize the establishment of a double artery supply and venous return-flow systems and the modification of the hallux wrap-around flap dissection and tendon repair. Meanwhile, three-stage systemically functional rehabilitations also improved functional restoration of reconstructed thumbs.
Copyright 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.