Linkage mapping in apomictic and sexual Kentucky bluegrass ( Poa pratensis L.) genotypes using a two way pseudo-testcross strategy based on AFLP and SAMPL markers

Theor Appl Genet. 2002 Feb;104(2-3):273-280. doi: 10.1007/s001220100659.


The high versatility of the mode of reproduction and the retention of a pollen recognition system are the factors responsible for the extreme complexity of the genome in Poa pratensis L. Two genetic maps, one of an apomictic and one of a sexual genotype, were constructed using a two-way pseudo-testcross strategy and multiplex PCR-based molecular markers (AFLP and SAMPL). Due to the high ploidy level and the uncertainty of chromosome pairing-behavior at meiosis, only parent-specific single-dose markers (SDMs) that segregated 1:1 in an F(1) mapping population (161 out of 299 SAMPLs, and 70 out of 275 AFLPs) were used for linkage analysis. A total of 41 paternal (33 SAMPLs and 8 AFLPs) and 47 maternal (33 SAMPLs and 14 AFLPs) SDMs, tested to be linked in coupling phase, were mapped to 7+7 linkage groups covering 367 and 338.4 cM, respectively. The comparison between the two marker systems revealed that SAMPL markers were statistically more efficient than AFLP ones in detecting parent-specific SDMs (75% vs 32.4%). There were no significant differences in the percentages of distorted marker alleles detected by the two marker systems (27.8% of SAMPLs vs 21.3% of AFLPs). The pairwise comparison of co-segregational groups for linkage detection between marker loci suggested that at least some of the P. pratensis chromosomes pair preferentially at meiosis-I.