Objectives: To examine error-related negativity (ERN) and correct response negativity (CRN) in schizophrenia in light of two previous conflicting reports, and to determine their relation to disorganization, psychomotor poverty and reality distortion.
Methods: Event-related potentials were recorded from 21 schizophrenic and 21 control participants who performed a simple go/no-go task. Response-locked potentials were computed for errors of commission and for correct-hits. Scores for reality distortion syndrome, psychomotor poverty syndrome and disorganization syndrome were determined for each schizophrenic participant using the Signs and Symptoms of Psychotic Illness (SSPI) scale.
Results: ERN produced during error trials and CRN produced during correct trials were significantly larger in the control participant group than in the schizophrenic participant group. In the schizophrenic patients, ERN amplitude was negatively correlated with psychomotor poverty syndrome score and CRN amplitude was negatively correlated with disorganization syndrome score.
Conclusions: Decreased ERN and CRN in the schizophrenic participant group suggests abnormal internal behavior monitoring in schizophrenic patients. Patients with high disorganization symptoms may employ an abnormal strategy for comparing actual response outcome with desired response outcome, while patients with psychomotor poverty may be less emotionally responsive to errors.