To determine the effect of skin allograft on open neural tube defects (ONTDs), the neural tube was incised open using Hamburger and Hamilton stage 18 or 19 chick embryos for a length of six somites. Embryos were divided into two groups: graft and control (with and without skin allograft). On postoperative day 5, closure of ONTDs was more frequent in the graft group than in the control group (9/15 versus 0/15), and healing was nearly complete. However, typical lipomatous features were not observed. These results suggest that simple mechanical attachment of skin allograft on ONTDs does not lead to lipomatous malformation in chick embryos. On the other hand, our results support a potential role of skin allograft in the management of prenatal spinal ONTDs.
Copyright 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.