The aim of the study was to evaluate some aspects of the immunocompatibility of 10 acrylic bone cements. Mononuclear cells harvested from healthy individuals were cultured with cement extracts which were tested to assess their effect on the viability of lymphocytes, unstimulated and phytohaemoagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated, activating resting lymphocytes, and changing the reactivity of PHA-stimulated lymphocytes. After 24 h the extracts did not increase the percentage of dead cells in unstimulated or PHA-stimulated lymphocytes. The early apoptotic events of culture were evaluated after 4 and 24 h in PHA-stimulated lymphocytes: at 4 h three cements, namely Zimmer-dough type, Palacos R and CMW-1, increased significantly the percentage of apoptotic cells, while at 24 h no differences were found. Cement extracts did not activate the resting lymphocytes, whereas the response of the PHA-stimulated cells was significantly modified. All cements decreased the expression of the interleukin 2 receptor (CD25) and the lymphocyte proliferation, whereas only two materials (Zimmer-dough type, CMW 1) affected the expression of early activation antigen (CD69). These findings show that the products released from bone cement are not able, by themselves, to elicit a specific immune response; on the contrary they hamper the function of lymphocytes activated by an exogenous stimulus.