As part of a project of decrease fat, cholesterol, and sodium in soldiers' diets, new ethnic and breakfast items were developed and standardized for 100 portions. Acceptability data were collected after initial recipe development, during recipe validation at a collaborating university, and in an actual Army garrison. Acceptability was determined using a nine-point hedonic scale; products rating > or = 6.0 in initial tests were prepared in garrison. Acceptability data were compared among test settings, ethnic categories, and food type. When grouped by ethnic categories, acceptability ratings varied more than when grouped by food type. Ratings varied most between development and validation settings (7.2 vs. 6.6; p < 0.05) and least between validation and actual Army settings (6.6 vs. 6.6; not significant). Because acceptability ratings were similar between the validation site and the Army garrison, future recipe development may continue without additional testing at actual Army garrisons, leading to more timely armed forces recipe file additions.