Introduction: Pulmonary hyalinizing granuloma is a rare fibrosing nodular disease of the lung characterized by its histological appearance, which includes at the center of the lesion a dense network of concentric hyalinized collagen lamella surrounded by perivascular lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate that rarefies in the center of the nodule.
Exegesis: We report two new cases: the first with laryngeal (endoluminal tumor-like), orbital (subeyelid nodule) and mesenteric (9 x 6 cm mass) location of hyalinizing granuloma; the second with cervical, facial (trismus), orbital (pseudotumor) and limb (ankylosing elbow) fibrosis.
Conclusion: The extrapulmonary diffusion of the disease is extremely rare. In one of the cases, with corticosteroids and after a follow-up of 12 months, the pulmonary tumors vanished but the fibrosis resolved only partially.