Calcium is essential for synaptic transmission and the control of the intrinsic firing properties of neurons; this makes Ca(2+) channels a prime target for neuromodulators. A combination of multiphoton microscopy and voltage-clamp recording was used to determine the localization of voltage-dependent Ca(2+) accumulation in the two pyloric dilator (PD) neurons of the pyloric network in the spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus, and its modulation by dopamine. We monitored [Ca(2+)](i) in fine distal branches in the neuropil >350 microm below the surface of the ganglion during controlled voltage steps in voltage clamp. Ca(2+) accumulation originated mostly from small, fairly rare, spatially restricted varicosities on distal neuritic arborizations. Ca(2+) diffused from these point sources into adjacent regions. Varicosities with similar morphology in the PD neuron have been shown previously to be sites of synaptic contacts. We have demonstrated in earlier studies that dopamine inhibits activity and greatly reduces synaptic transmission from the PD neuron. In approximately 60% of the varicosities, the voltage-activated Ca(2+) accumulation was reduced by exogenous dopamine (DA) (10(-4) M). DA decreased the peak amplitude of Ca(2+) accumulation but had no effect on the rise and decay time. We conclude that DA reduces chemical synaptic transmission from the PD neurons at least in part by decreasing Ca(2+) entry at neurotransmitter release sites.