When evaluating an intramuscular soft tissue mass, a large differential diagnosis including both benign and malignant lesions must be considered. Because the treatment of these masses can range from simple observation to radical surgical excision, a minimally invasive but accurate method of diagnosis is desired. The workup should include radiographic imaging. MRI is the modality of choice for differentiating soft tissue lesions, although CT may be helpful in identifying calcifications such as a phlebolith. Although usually unnecessary, a sialogram can verify that a calcification lies within or outside the salivary ductal system. In most cases a biopsy specimen is required to confirm the diagnosis. However, if the imaging studies show characteristics consistent with a vascular soft tissue mass, the finding of a phlebolith is pathognomonic for a benign vascular lesion. If such a lesion is not causing significant cosmetic or functional disability, it can be observed without the need for invasive biopsy or treatment.